Saturday, 11 November 2006
The Causes of Childhood Obesity
Welcome to my blog about the causes of childhood obesity. There are many articles explaining and exploring the causes of childhood obesity. I hope you find them useful in explaining the causes to you.
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Childhood Obesity and
Causes of Childhood Obesity in America
Not only watching or working by sitting for long hours, they use to take high calorie snacks during their period of watching or working on their computers. As a result low energy is being expended for these children for longer period by which excess fat is accumulated in these children's body making them obese which is not at all desired.
In fact this child hood obesity has gripped the children in the United States of America to such an extent that in average one in every five children in the USA are generally found to be obese. We are very much concerned that the general health of average citizens of America will be bad if the children who are the future citizens of America are obese which invites many diseases to them like pediatric hypertension, Type II Diabetes Mellitus risk of coronary heart disease, stress on weight carrying body and above all lower self esteem resulting in relationship with peers.
Whom should we call obese? Generally it is defined as excessive accumulation of body fat. Child hood obesity is often defined as a weight for height in excess of 120 percent of ideal. However, a more accurate determinants of fatness is the measurement of skin fold. If the measurement exceeds the optimal level the child is called obese.
Now we shall discuss about the causes of childhood obesity. Our flat opinion is the imbalance between the energy in and energy out for children is the root cause of Childhood Obesity for the children in America. What is Energy in? The calorie is coming from the food the child takes. What is energy out? The calories expended in the basal metabolic rate and physical activities. So as I told at the starting of this writing that long hours with TV or with computer and taking high calorie snacks hampers the balance of energy in and out. Lot of studies have been carried out in this regard, which showed that Childhood Obesity is most likely the results from an interaction of nutritional, Psychological, familial, and Physiological factors.
The risk of a child to be obese is more, who has both the two obese parents. Some strong genetic factor or parents' desire may lead to obesity to the child. This is the familial cause.
We have already discussed about the low energy expenditure, which is the most rampant cause for children obesity.
Heredity some times influences fatness, regional fat distribution and response to overfeeding.
Obesity treatment for children seldom uses Weight Loss programs. Instead the aim is generally to slow or halt weight gain so the child will grow into his or her body weight over a period of months to years.
However, cases are there where risky Obesity Surgery had to be carried out even for teenagers, when the Obesity level reached the danger zone and no effective solution was at hand.
In general, early and appropriate intervention for obesity treatment for an obese and overweight child is the most important. We can name three forms of intervention.
Physical Activity - More and more physical activities, be it exercise, playing outdoor games like tennis swimming, football etc are the most healthy way to burn calories. Children should be motivated to take part in these outdoor games or exercises. Overall health and outlook to life of the child will see a miracle change.
There are two other forms of Interventions, which are Diet Management and Behavior Modification. Parental guidance will be required to encourage the child to take balance diet, restriction in taking fast food, cola drinks etc., taking part in outdoor games and exercises, and keeping record of improvement in weight maintenance etc, restricting time for watching TV etc.
We want to put on stress on the behavior of parents for proper intervention at proper time to guide their children so that the children do not suffer from obesity for which they themselves may not be totally responsible.
About the Author
Ftranklin Doughe is an associated editor to the website Figurefirst is dedicated to solve all your weight related queries and provide you up to the mark information on weight loss,diet pills obesity, healthy recipes, obesity diseases, and latest news. Your feedback & comments will be highly appreciated at
Causes Of Childhood Obesity Explained
Parents have the most influence on their child's life, they have the power to show the child that over eating and that lack of exercise is not acceptable in a young person's life and this is the cause of obesity problems later on in life. Obesity has some dreadful side affects and day to day life can be very unpleasant and simple tasks such as climbing stairs, taking a shower and other general things take more time and more effort because of the extra weight. This is even worse for a child, they need to be active and have fun!
The causes of childhood obesity are not so severe that obesity can be avoided! If you we teach oour children how to live an active and healthy lifestyle there is no reason why they should become obese even if they're family are full of obese people! Obesity is a cause and effect disease it is caused by several things over eating being the man one and the effects are horrible which complicated medical problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure and coronary heart disease! Childhood obesity can be avoided so lets try and do that, lets avoid it and help our children lead happy healthy lives with no health problems or emotional setbacks!
About the Author
The author of this article is a contrubuting editor at, today's one stop resource on many different subjects.
10 Possibel Causes of Childhood Obesity
It's well accepted that reduced physical activity and fast food are linked to obesity. But the evidence that these are the main causes of obesity is largely circumstantial. To stimulate debate, experts suggest 10 other possible causes of obesity, outlined in the International Journal of Obesity.
1. Sleep debt. Getting too little sleep can increase body weight. Today, many get less shut-eye than ever. 2. Pollution. Hormones control body weight. And many of today's pollutants affect our hormones. 3. Air conditioning. You have to burn calories if your environment is too hot or too cold for comfort. But more people than ever live and work in temperature-controlled homes and offices. 4. Decreased smoking. Smoking reduces weight. People smoke much less than they used to. 5. Medicine. Many different drugs including contraceptives, steroid hormones, diabetes drugs, some antidepressants, and blood pressure drugs can cause weight gain. Use of these drugs is on the upswing. 6. Population age, ethnicity. Middle-aged people and Hispanic-Americans tend to be more obese than young European-Americans. Americans are getting older and more Hispanic. 7. Older moms. There's some evidence that the older a woman is when she gives birth, the higher her child's risk of obesity. Women are giving birth at older and older ages. 8. Ancestors' environment. Some influences may go back two generations. Environmental changes that made a grandparent obese may "through a fetally driven positive feedback loop" visit obesity on the grandchildren. 9. Obesity linked to fertility. There's some evidence obese people are more fertile than lean ones. If obesity has a genetic component, the percentage of obese people in the population should increase. 10. Unions of obese spouses. Obese women tend to marry obese men, and if obesity has a genetic component, there will be still more obese people in the next generation.
These other contributing factors deserve more attention and study. Even more explanations include: a fat-inducing virus; increases in childhood depression; less consumption of dairy products; and hormones used in agriculture. What do you think can be attributed to the epidemic?
About the Author
Chester is a health nutrition consultant and is the owner of AstroNutrition - a provider of premium health nutrition and sports supplements. Check out our Health and Fitness Blog!
Risks and Causes of Childhood Obesity
Incidence of obesity is growing at an alarming rate. And this increased rate of obesity means that other obesity-related chronic diseases have also become more common.
Obesity increases the risk of developing medical problems such as heart disease and stroke, Type 2 diabetes, bowel cancer, and high blood pressure. Being overweight can also cause psychological distress. People who are overweight or obese are more likely to be teased or discriminated against because of their appearance. Therefore, they tend to have less confidence and lower self-esteem. This can lead to isolation and depression, which are likely to only worsen the problem.
Predisposition Towards ObesityDue to a combination of genetics and environmental conditions, people from overweight families tend to be overweight themselves. In very rare situations, obesity is caused by an underlying medical condition, such as an endocrine problem or a genetic disorder.
You are at especially high risk for obesity if:*One or both of your parents are overweight.*You earn a low income.*Your mobility is limited by a chronic disease or disability.
Medical Risks of ObesityThe medical problems associated with obesity include such conditions as asthma, Type 2 diabetes, gallstones, heart disease, high blood pressure, liver disorders, menstrual problems, metabolic syndrome, and sleep disorders.
Asthma: Asthma is just one of the medical problems with obesity. The overweight and obese are at greater risk for developing asthma than their peers. The stress of dealing with asthma can lead to issues, such as being nervous and having trouble focusing on tasks. All of these behavior problems can interfere with daily life.
Diabetes: Type 2 diabetes has become increasingly prevalent. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now estimate that one in three people born in the United States will develop diabetes in their lifetime.
Gallstones: The gallbladder is filled with a liquid called bile that is used to help the body digest fats. Gallstones form when this bile hardens into pieces of stone-like material. The risk of developing gallstones is significantly higher in those who are obese.
Heart Disease: Atherosclerosis is the most common cause of heart disease. It's the process in which deposits of fatty substances, cholesterol, cellular waste products, calcium and other substances build up along the inner lining of an artery. This buildup, called plaque, affects both large and medium-sized arteries. Atherosclerosis is related to high blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which are associated with poor eating habits and obesity.
High Blood Pressure: Obese people are more likely to have high blood pressure than their peers. High blood pressure places a great deal of strain on the heart.
Liver Problems: Obese and overweight people have a greater risk for developing a liver problem called nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). This disorder can be severe and can lead to cirrhosis, in which the liver is permanently damaged and scarred and no longer able to work properly.
Menstrual Problems: Young girls that are overweight or obese may reach puberty at an earlier age than their peers. Obesity may also contribute to the development of uterine fibroids or other menstrual irregularities in adult women.
Metabolic Syndrome: Between 25% and 40% of overweight or obese people suffer from the metabolic syndrome which leads to other medical problems associated with obesity, such as diabetes and heart problems.
Sleep Disorders: Sleep disorders are another one of the medical concerns connected with obesity. Those who are overweight may develop a serious condition called obstructive sleep apnea that is characterized by brief interruptions of breathing during sleep. Over a long period of time, this type of sleep apnea can lead to heart failure. If you're suffering from obesity, I urge you to do something about it as soon as possible. Don't put it off--get started today. The best methods for preventing obesity is to improve your eating habits, increase physical activity, and reduce sedentary behaviors such as watching television.
If you think that you may need a little extra weight overcoming obesity, consider a high quality nutritional supplement to help you lose weight. Slimirex™ is an amazing weight-loss supplement which helps boost metabolism, reduce appetite, increase energy levels and build lean muscle mass.
About the Author
Dr. Edward F. Group III is the founder of Global Healing Center, Inc. He continues to develop, sell and evaluate exclusively high-end natural and organic healthcare products to support a wide range of health conditions.
The Main Causes of Childhood Obesity
In 1999, a study performed by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, found that approximately 30% of American adults are obese and an additional 34% are considered overweight. According to these estimates, only 35% of American adults are at or below a healthy weight.
The number of Americans who are morbidly obese is also growing at an alarming rate. Morbid obesity is defined as being one hundred pounds or more overweight. According to the latest research, about one man in eighty weighs more than 300 pounds. This represents a 50% increase from 1996 to 2000. This research also shows that one in two hundred women in the United States weighs more than 300 pounds, representing a 67% increase over the same time period.
Who Is Affected?
Between the genders, men are more likely than women to be overweight. However, women are more likely to be obese. And for both men and women, the prevalence of overweight and obesity increases with age. Alarmingly, the sharpest rise in rates of overweight and obesity in the past decade has occurred among adults, ages 18 through 29.
Socioeconomic status also plays a role in the prevalence of obesity and overweight Americans. For all racial and ethnic groups, women with an income that falls below the federal poverty level are 50% more likely to be obese than those with higher incomes. On the other hand, men are about equally likely to be obese, regardless of their financial status.
Causes of Obesity:
Overeating and Dietary Choices: Without a doubt, simple overeating is one of the primary causes of obesity. Eating more food than necessary, particularly food that is high in fat and sugar, leads to excess weight gain because the body cannot process it quickly enough.
Sedentary Lifestyle: Failure to get plenty of physical activity is another of the many causes of obesity. The more physically active you are, the more calories you burn. If you eat more calories than you burn through physical activity, you will ultimately become obese as your body stores the extra energy as fat.
Emotions:Emotional issues can also lead to obesity. Some people eat in response to their emotions, particularly when they are sad, bored, angry, or feeling stressed out.
Genetics:Genetics may lead to another long list of possible causes of obesity. If one or both of your parents are obese, you are more likely to be obese as well.
Effects of Obesity:
Obesity is linked to such medical conditions as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, sleep disorders, asthma, arthritis, menstrual dysfunction, and with some forms of cancer, such as uterine, gall bladder, breast, colon, and kidney. Psychological disorders such as depression, stress, and anxiety can also be attributed to obesity.
Obesity contributes to serious medical, development, and emotional illnesses that can affect the life and death of millions of Americans. The relationship between weight and one's health has been a major factor in drawing national attention to the alarming problem of obesity in America. As the second leading cause of preventable deaths in the United States, obesity claims approximately 300,000 lives each year.
About the Author
Dr. Edward F. Group III is the founder of Global Healing Center, Inc. He continues to develop, sell and evaluate exclusively high-end natural and organic healthcare products to support a wide range of health conditions. For more information, please visit and
Are French Fries and Sitcoms the Cause of Childhood Obesity
While genetics certainly play a role in a child's development, many people now suggest that child obesity may be the result of heavy marketing from the fast food industry. Read on to learn more about child obesity and what you can do to reduce your child's risk.
Fast FoodSome people question the link between childhood obesity and fast food, but researchers have shown that the rise in obesity in the United States has grown along the same lines as the rise in fast food consumption. And there's no question that almost all fast food is extremely high in fat. Here's a look at some of the most popular choices:
A Big Mac, Super Size fries and a large Coke at McDonalds now contains 1500 calories,about 40 percent of those from fat.
A typical Kentucky Fried Chicken Meal of chicken drumsticks, coleslaw, mashed potatoes with gravy, and a Pepsi contains 920 calories, 36 grams of fat, and 1590 milligrams of sodium.
A Taco Supreme with Pintos and Cheese from Taco Bell contains 400 calories with over 50 percent of those from saturated fat.
What makes these foods even worse is that they are heavily marketed to America's children. It may seem innocent at first, but giving a toy with a meal, and offering play areas makes children and families think positively about these fast food meals. In reality, a meal at a fast food restaurant that is extremely high in fat, sugar, and salt leads to a rise in child obesity.
How Does TV Lead To Obesity In Children?Watching television leads to obesity in children by replacing other, more active pursuits, such as walking, biking, or simply playing outdoors. All television shows, even educational non-commercial shows, replace physical activity. And watching TV is a sedentary activity that causes the metabolic rate to go even lower than when one is at rest. This means that you can burn more calories by just sitting quietly and doing
nothing than you can when you sit and watch TV.
Plus roughly two-thirds of the 20,000 TV ads an average child sees each year are for food and most are for unhealthy foods. The majority of children who watch health related commercials believe what the ads say, even if the ads do not give accurate or balanced information.
In a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Ross Anderson looked at the TV watching habits of over four thousand children between the ages of eight and sixteen. Anderson found that one-fourth of American children watched four or more hours of television a day. These children weighed more and had a higher percentage of body fat than those who watched fewer than two hours of TV a day.
Overcoming Child ObesityNow that you know how fast food and TV lead to obesity in children, help your kids by following these easy tips:
Set A Good Example: Children learn from watching what we do rather than listening to what we say. If you regularly hit up the drive-through, and spend a lot of time in front of the TV, it's likely your children will too.
Set Limits: It's OK to introduce restrictions on the amount of junk food they're allowed to eat, and the amount of time they spend in front of the tube.
Get Moving: Get your kids active by making exercise a family activity. Take a walk around the block, go for a hike, or get up and dance. Any kind of activity will benefit your child's health.
Give Them Support: If your child is suffering from serious weight issues, consider a getting them a personal fitness coach or nutritionist.
About the Author
Dr. Edward F. Group III is the founder of Global Healing Center, Inc. He continues to develop, sell and evaluate exclusively high-end natural and organic healthcare products to support a wide range of health conditions. For more information, please visit and
Are large portions the cause of childhoodobesity
If one considers that the usual 12 ounce soda cup has recently reached the 20 ounce size, it is not difficult to understand why bigger food portions have directly influenced people's understanding on what should be considered normal or reasonable and what not. From the bread slices to the French-fries one orders at a local take away, increased portions have led consumers to demand to receive more for the price they pay. If one is served the older portions he or she will immediately compare it to the new increased size a restaurant now serves and this will seem tremendously small to fulfill anyone's hunger. In fact, if you serve a five-year old the portion of ice-cream he or she should be served you will probably have to deal with their whining as the smaller scoop size will seem small and inappropriate to cover their need.
But this ever-growing problem has to do with the lack of receiving the proper nutritional education from early childhood. If people knew which portions should be enough to cover their daily nutritional needs and they were instructed on how to combine food categories, measure portion sizes, and balancing their meals, the obesity problem would have never risen to its
current alarming state.
Thus, next time you exit your favorite ice-cream store holding another of its legendary gigantic cones on your hand trying to fulfill your need for something sweet, you should remember that the kid's portion would be more than enough of such a treat and would save you at least an extra 800 calories. Being aware of how increased portions can destroy your silhouette in a rapid rate is the most important step in fighting the problem of obesity before you have to change your wardrobe size. Eat wisely and stop when you feel that your stomach is actually full. You can always take the rest of your portion home in the doggy bag and serve yourself the next day.
About the Author
Kadence Buchanan writes articles on many topics including Nutrition, Cooking, and Home Improvement
Causes and dangers of Childhood Obesity
Obesity is defined simply as too much body fat. Being overweight or obese increases the risk of many diseases and health conditions, including the following:
*High total cholesterol
*Type 2-diabetes
*Coronary heart disease
*Gallbladder disease
*Respiratory problems
*Certain types of cancers
The epidemic of obesity did not crop up overnight. Obesity is a chronic condition caused by an assortment of factors. Because there are so many factors involved (genetics, environment, metabolism, overeating, etc.), it is very difficult to treat the problem.
For instance, a person's genetics and environment can increase their risk of obesity, but their behavior also influences their risk. It is quite easy for someone to blame heredity for their obesity, but the choices a person makes can increase or decrease their risk for obesity significantly.
If a person chooses to be physically inactive and practice unhealthy eating habits, they are not only greatly increasing their risk of obesity, but for other diseases such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease. On the other hand, people who make healthy choices and avoid the behaviors that increase their risk can expect to live healthier and longer lives.
In the United States, our food options and eating habits have changed dramatically over the course of the past 20 years. We are faced with an astounding array of choices in the grocery store, choices that make it difficult to know what is healthy and what is not.
Shelves are packed with foods that are pre-packaged and high in fat, sugar and calories. Even foods that are marked as healthy or low-fat may contain more calories than the high-fat food they are supposed to replace. It is VERY important to always read food labels for nutritional information.
Fast food restaurants, while convenient, tend to be high in trans fats, carbohydrates and sugar. Portion size in restaurants has increased dramatically resulting in increased calorie consumption. If the body does not burn off the calories from eating the larger portions and drinking the sugar-laden soft drinks, weight gain can and will take place.
Technology has created many wonderful labor saving products. Unfortunately, many of them reduce the amount of energy we expend in our daily lives. Instead of walking or riding a bicycle for short distances, cars are used. Instead of children playing outside and getting exercise, they are sitting in the house watching television and playing video games.
About the Author
Chris Chenoweth writes articles pertaining to health and nutrition, budgeting, and online business.